Fedor Rashchevskiy
Marina Artamonova
Ekaterina Fadeeva
photo by Sergey Volokitin
900 м²
Moscow, 2015
Featuring more than 870,000 properties in 87,000+ destinations, Booking.com is the global leader in connecting leisure and business travelers from around the world with the widest choice of incredible places to stay via it’s website and mobile apps. To provide 24/7 support to customers, as well as to build and nurture relationships with its accommodation partners, it’s important for Booking.com to stay connected on a local level. To do so, the company has more than 170 offices in 70 countries around the world, including in Moscow.
The design team used Moscow’s iconic white-stone walls as the main concept behind the interiors, including the welcome area of the office.
Working together with the local team, the café and breakout areas were designed to be comfortable with large, relaxed seating and ambient lighting. A perfect example of this harmonized work space is the wooden circle in the breakout area, symbolic of fireplaces that were used in ancient tribes. Two layers of curtains in these areas ensure that a certain level of discretion is maintained and the sound is absorbed.
The overall design of the Moscow office stays true to the Booking.com guidelines of an open, collaborative workplace with a subtle inclusion of relaxed and informal zones.